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When work and personal passion collide.

So upon graduation from my esteemed alma matter of Emerson College with a BFA in Creative Writing – and with more than a few tattoos – general consensus was that I was on a continued career path in both construction and bike messengering, both of which paid for my college education.

Luckily, speculation didn’t become reality, and I got really fortunate and ended up in advertising. I’ve also been lucky to work on everything from broadcast to fully-integrated brand campaigns to media activations and custom branded content.

Even won some things you may have heard of like Cannes Lions, Webby's, Communication Arts, and Hatch awards. My client list has been just as varied and interesting: Bank of America, General Motors, Barclays Global Investors, Harley Davidson, Cradles to Crayons, Delta, and Staples to name just a few.

And that’s been across the board: From broadcast, to branded content, to social/digital, to experiences, and even design. I’ve conceived, managed, and overseen the people, properties, and departments that make them all come to life.

Along the way, I’ve also been lucky to have been exposed to a wide variety of people and practices. From young teams to grizzled veterans, art directors and copywriters, directors and DP’s, and even influencers and brand ambassadors,.

I still ride a fixie to work every day – even in winter, still see a lot of punk rock and
try not to get bogged down by friends constantly asking for construction help fixing up their homes.

Click to download my resume